
8/5 The Dap Squad at the Uptown Art Fair

8/5 The Dap Squad at the Uptown Art Fair

On August 5th, the Dap Squad blew in for a rare free public showcase to support their community.  Folks from around the Minneapolis area got to shake their body down to the ground while enjoying great food, drinks and of course all of the wonderful art from Minnesota artisans.  The director said the band was…

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5/21 Monica and Eric – Wedding at Camp Patterson

5/21 Monica and Eric – Wedding at Camp Patterson

Jason- I just wanted to take a minute again to thank you guys for the AMAZING entertainment at our wedding on Saturday. The band was by far the highlight of the night. We had so much fun dancing and we clearly observed our guests having just as much fun 🙂 We truly had the perfect…

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Thank You Minneapolis Saint Paul Airport for having the Dap Squad!!!

Thank You Minneapolis Saint Paul Airport for having the Dap Squad!!!

The Metropolitan Airport Commission featured the Dap Squad for their Nice Celebration/Awards Show. Honorees included employees that had shown exceptional work ethic and attitude over the last year.  The awards have extra meaning for both the awardees and their employers because to be considered, the employee has to be recognized for extraordinary service by customers…

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Historic Hope Glen Farms – The Perfect Country Wedding

Historic Hope Glen Farms – The Perfect Country Wedding

For the couple that has decided they want an old fashioned country wedding without giving up all the beauty and class of a classic wedding, the Historic Hope Glen Farms is a great choice. This newer venue is located in Cottage Grove Minnesota.  http://hopeglenfarm.com The designers have clearly worked hard to preserve all the natural…

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